Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bye Bye Birdie

There's this amazing antique shop in Fells Point Baltimore called The Antique Man.  It's only open for a few hours on Saturdays and Sundays, but this place is a fascinating treasure.  It's more like a museum of oddities than a true antique shop.  I mean, they've even got a two-headed mummy in there... how cool is that??

Anyways, about a year and a half ago, when I first moved to Baltimore, I brought my darling cat Willow with me.  Willow seemed lonely without a friend, but I wasn't sure I was ready for the commitment of another cat.  In retrospect, how ridiculous was that thought process?!  Now Willow has sister and partner and crime Ivy to carry out their adorableness.   I could probably start a blog to just talk about the cats and the crazy things they do.  And lots of people would read it because they're as cat crazy as I am.  Ah, that's the dream.

But back on topic.  So, as I was pondering over the dilemma of Willow's loneliness, I was exploring the vast treasures of The Antique Man and I came across this amazing birdcage.

Now initially I was thinking "Perfect - I can get Willow a bird to keep her company when I'm not home!"  Although a foolproof plan, I ended up getting Ivy shortly after and loved the birdcage and its antique-eyness too much to put an actual bird in it.   

By itself, it is a beautiful accent decorative piece.  Dress it up with some white lights around the holidays and it's an elegant semi-festive decoration.

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